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Don't See Coffee Fortune
Believe it or not, or don't believe it at all... But still, fortune telling is an integral part of life for many people in Turkey. Coffee fortune telling comes to mind when fortune telling. Because coffee fortune-telling is a type of fortune-telling that is liked by almost everyone, as it justifies the promise of not believing in fortune-telling but remaining without fortune-telling.

For some, coffee fortune-telling is indeed a falsification, while for others, believing in coffee fortune-telling is a means of entertainment. It can be quite fun to look at coffee fortunes as well as coffee fortunes. How to read coffee fortune is much easier than you think:

 Good Coffee
- Coffee should be drunk by the person to whom the fortune-telling is to be made.
- Remember, the coffee to be fortune-telled must be cooked for one person.
- Coffee should always be drunk from the same spot. When the coffee is finished, the coffee cup should be turned upside down and placed on the plate.
- While all these are being done, a wish must be made and the person who will tell the fortune-teller must turn the plate over his head 3 times counterclockwise.
- Drop a metal (like a spoon) on the cup.

When you follow these steps, you have a menstrual cup ready for fortune telling as you can see in the pictures on this page. Now it's time to tell fortunes, learn how to read coffee fortunes!

- A person who does not believe in fortune telling should not tell fortunes.
- Fortune-telling should not be looked at at night.
- When the cup is cold, take the cup and go to a place where the light will hit you and open the cup.
- First of all, we look at the color of the grounds. If the color is too dark, the chances of getting your wish are very low. If it is a light color, it will most likely be. Neither light nor dark, the probability of it happening depends on what someone other than you does.
- Draw two imaginary vertical and transverse lines from the handle of the cup. Thus, you will divide the inside of the cup into 4 parts.

- The shapes to the right of the line that cuts the cup vertically should be interpreted as good news, while those on the left should be interpreted as negativity.
- Those below the latitudinal line, in a long time frame; The rest of the above means that it will be soon.
- Keeping the cup on your fingertips, slowly turning and tilting it, you will look at all the shapes and shadows of the grounds inside.
- After that, it's up to the meanings of the symbols and your imagination... :-) 
- When the fortune-telling is over, we always leave the cup open. If you turn it off, what you see won't come out.

Anyway, fortune telling, get out! :)

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